Government Experience

2019-2023Member, National Assessment Governing Board
2011-2013Commissioner, Equity and Excellence Commission, U.S. Department of Education
2004-2010Member, Board of Directors, National Board for Education Sciences  
Chair, 2008- 2010
2008-2010Member, Council of Economic Advisors, California
2007Member, Governor's Commission for a College Ready Texas, Texas
2006Chair, NCLB Growth Model Pilot Peer Review, U.S. Department of Education
2005-2008Member, Governor's Committee on Education Excellence, California
2002-2006Member, Independent Review Panel, National Assessment of Title I, U.S. Department of Education
2001-2005Member, NCES Finance Technical Review Committee, U.S. Department of Education
2002Member, Advisory Council on Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education
1994-1998Member, Board of Economic Advisors, New York State Assembly
1994-1995Member, Technical Panel on Trends and Issues in Retirement Savings, Advisory Council on Social Security
1987-1995Consultant, U.S. Department of Education
1986-1989Consultant, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
Chairman, Technical Advisory Panel, Congressional Budget Office
1985-1987Member, Panel of Economic Advisers, Congressional Budget Office
1983-1985Deputy Director, Congressional Budget Office
1974Systems Analyst, Military Airlift Command, U.S. Air Force
Senior Economist, Cost of Living Council
1971-1972Senior Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisers