Grinding the Antitesting Ax: More bias than evidence behind NRC panel's conclusions
Education Next, pp. 49-55. Spring 2012Weighted Student Funding: Liberals and conservatives are equally naïve
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx..Allowing local schools to make more decisions may work in developed countries but is questionable in developing countries
(with Susanne Link, and Ludger Woessmann). VoxEU. 9-Jan-12The Economic Benefit of Educational Reform in the European Union
(with Ludger Woessmann). CESifo Economic Studies, 58(1), pp. 73–109. Mar-12
Estimating the Effect of Leaders on Public Sector Productivity: The Case of School Principals
(with Gregory F. Branch and Steven G. Rivkin). NBER Working Paper 17803, National Bureau of Economic Research. Jan-12Land Use Controls and the Provision of Education
(with Kuzey Yilmaz). NBER Working Paper 17730. Jan-12
Vocational education facilitates entry into the labour market but hurts employment at older ages
(with Ludger Woessmann and Lei Zhang). VoxEU. 21-Nov-11Why Can’t American Students Compete with the Rest of the World?
(with Paul E. Peterson). Newsweek, pp. 42-45. 5-Sep-11Handbook of the Economics of Education, Volume 4
(co-editor with Stephen J. Machin and Ludger Woessmann). Amsterdam: North Holland, 708 pages. 2011Are U.S. Students Ready to Compete?
(with Paul E. Peterson, Ludger Woessmann, and Carlos Xabel Lastra-Anadón). Education Next, 11(4), pp. 51-59. Fall 2011
Urban education, location, and opportunity in the United States
(with Kuzey Yilmaz). In Nancy Brooks, Kieran Donaghy, and Gerrit-Jan Knaap (ed.). Oxford Handbook of Urban Economics and Planning, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 583-615. 2011Private Schools and Residential Choices: Accessibility, Mobility, and Welfare
(with Sinan Sarpça and Kuzey Yilmaz). B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Contributions), 11(1) article 44, pp. 1-32. 2011
Globally Challenged: Are U.S. Students Ready to Compete?
(with Paul E. Peterson, Ludger Woessmann, and Carlos Xabel Lastra-Anadón). PEPG Report No. 11-03, Cambridge, MA: Program on Education Policy and Governance, Harvard University. Aug-11
How Much Do Educational Outcomes Matter in OECD Countries?
(with Ludger Woessmann). Economic Policy, 26(67), pp. 427-491. Jul-11
Overview of the Symposium on Performance Pay for Teachers
(with Ludger Woessmann). Economics of Education Review, 30(3), pp. 391-393. Jun-11
The Economic Value of Higher Teacher Quality
Economics of Education Review, 30(3), pp. 466-479. Jun-11The NRC Judges Test-Based Accountability
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx.. Education Next. 3-Jun-11The Upside of Class Size Reduction
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx... 23-May-11The (Enormous) Economic Returns to a Good Teacher
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx.. Education Next. 5-Apr-11Teaching Math to the Talented: Which Countries - and States - are Producing High-Achieving Students?
(with Paul E. Peterson and Ludger Woessmann). Education Next, pp. 10-18. Winter 2011
Looking for a Friend in Court
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx.. Education Next. 1-Apr-11Education reform solves state's budget crisis
(with George P. Shultz). San Francisco Chronicle, p. F-6. 10-Apr-11
Paying Teachers Appropriately
In Darrel Drury and Justin Baer (ed.). The American Public School Teacher: Past, Present, and Future, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press), pp. 109-118. 2011Sample Selectivity and the Validity of International Student Achievement Tests in Economic Research
(with Ludger Woessmann). Economics Letters, 110(2), pp. 79-82. Feb-11
Feeling Too Good About Our Schools
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx.. Education Next. 18-Jan-11The Economics of International Differences in Educational Achievement
(with Ludger Woessmann) in Eric A. Hanushek, Stephen Machin and Ludger Woessmann (ed.). Handbook of the Economics of Education, Vol. 3, Amsterdam: North Holland, pp. 89-200. 2011Improving the Evaluation of Teachers
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx.. Education Next. 17-Nov-10Handbook of the Economics of Education, Volume 3
(co-editor with Stephen J. Machin and Ludger Woessmann). Amsterdam: North Holland, 616 pages. 2010U.S. Math Performance in Global Perspective: How Well Does Each State Do at Producing High-Achieving Students?
(with Paul E. Peterson and Ludger Woessmann). PEPG Report No. 10–19, Cambridge, MA: Program on Education Policy and Governance, Harvard University. Nov-10UFT wrong to fight Joel Klein's attempt to release teacher data, says leading education researcher
New York Daily News. 27-Oct-10An Evidence-Based World
In Koret Task Force. American Education in 2030: An Assessment by Hoover Institution’s Koret Task Force on K–12 Education, Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution. 2010The Difference is Teacher Quality
in Karl Weber (ed.). Waiting for "Superman": How We Can Save America’s Failing Public Schools. New York: Public Affairs, pp. 81-100. 2010Why Is Reform So Hard?
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx.. Education Next. 1-Jul-10Compared to Other Countries, Does the United States Really Do That Badly in Math?
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx.. Education Next. 12-Jul-10An Effective Teacher in Every Classroom: A lofty goal, but how to do it
(with Kati Haycock). Education Next, 10(3), pp. 46-52. Summer 2010
Research and Policy: Master’s Degrees
(with author, author and author). Journal, 48(2), Pages xxx-xxx.. Education Next. 14-Jun-10The Quality and Distribution of Teachers under the No Child Left Behind Act
(with Steven G. Rivkin). Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24(3), pp. 133-150. Summer 2010