
The real costs of closing schools and what can be done to address them
(with Ludger Woessmann). Teresa and Alexandre Soares dos Santos - Education Initiative. 29-Sep-20

Costs of Past and Future Learning Losses
(with Ludger Woessmann). Education Next. 9-Sep-20

Permanent Economic Damage from Learning Losses
(with Ludger Woessmann) . National Review Capital Matters. Sep-20

Test-Based Accountability in Distressed Times
(with Chester E. Finn Jr.). The State Education Standard, September 20(3), pp. 13-17. 2020

The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses
(with Ludger Woessmann). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2020

Can greater access to education be inequitable?
(with Chirantan Chatterjee and Shreekanth Mahendiran). Ideas for India. 10-Aug-20

Patience, risk-taking, and international differences in student achievement
(with Lavinia Kinne, Philipp Lergetporer, Ludger Woessmann). VoxEU. 2-Aug-20

Unintended consequences to education for all: India’s Right to Education Act
(with Chirantan Chatterjee and Shreekanth Mahendiran). VoxEU. 23-Jul-20

Culture and Student Achievement: The Intertwined Roles of Patience and Risk-Taking
(with Lavinia Kinne, Philipp Lergetporer, and Ludger Woessmann). NBER Working Paper No. 27484, National Bureau of Economic Research. Jul-20

Can Greater Access to Education Be Inequitable? New Evidence from India’s Right to Education Act
(with Chirantan Chatterjee and Shreekanth Mahendiran). NBER Working Paper No. 27377, National Bureau of Economic Research. Jun-20

A quantitative look at the economic impact of the European Union’s educational goals
(with Ludger Woessmann). Education Economics, 28(3), 225-244. 2020

Education, Knowledge Capital, and Economic Growth
(with Ludger Woessmann). In Steve Bradley and Colin Green (ed.). Economics of Education, 2nd Edition, London: Academic Press, pp. 171-182. 2020

Education Production Functions
in Steve Bradley and Colin Green (ed.). Economics of Education, 2nd Edition , London: Academic Press, pp. 161-170. 2020

The Evolution of Charter School Quality
(with Patrick Baude, Marcus Casey, and Steven G. Rivkin). NBER Working Paper No. 20645 [forthcoming Economica], National Bureau of Economic Research. October

Quality Education and Economic Development
In Brajesh Panth and Rupert Maclean (ed.). Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs: Key Issues, Concerns, and Prospects, Singapore: Springer, pp. 25-32. 2020

The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance
(with Marc Piopiunik and Simon Wiederhold). Journal of Human Resources, 54(4), pp. 857-899. Fall 2019

The Research Challenges of the AI Labor Market Challenges
Medium, Golub Capital Social Impact Lab. 17-Dec-19

Knowledge Capital and Economic Growth
(with Ludger Woessmann). In Rolf Becker (ed.). Research Handbook on the Sociology of Education, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 476-497. 2019

The Fall of Educational Productivity and Policy Paralysis
In Lindsay M. Burke and Jonathan Butcher (ed.). The Not-So-Great Society, Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation, pp. 45-51. 2019

The Achievement Gap Fails to Close: Half Century of testing shows persistent divide between haves and have-nots
(with Paul E. Peterson, Laura M. Talpey, and Ludger Woessmann). Education Next, 19(3), pp. 8-17. Summer 2019

Testing, Accountability and the American Economy
ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 683, 110-128. May 2019

The War on Poverty Remains a Stalemate
(with Paul E. Peterson) . Wall Street Journal. 18-Mar-19

Do Smarter Teachers Make Smarter Students? International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance
(with Marc Piopiunik and Simon Wiederhold). Education Next, 19(2) , pp. 57-64. Spring 2019

Volkswirtschaftliche Folgen von Bildungsarmut: Was ein Entwicklungsziel „Grundkompetenzen für alle“ erreichen könnte
(with Ludger Woessmann). In Gudrun Quenzel and Klaus Hurrelmann (ed.). Handbuch Bildungsarmut, Springer VS, pp. 547-554. 2019

Education and the Growth-Equity Trade-off
In Charles Hulten and Valerie Ramey (ed.). Education, Skills and Technical Change: Implications for Future U.S. GDP Growth, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 293-312. 2019

Too much self-interested choice?
Phi Delta Kappan. 26-Oct-18

Testing with accountability improves student achievement
(with Annika B. Bergbauer and Ludger Woessmann). VoxEU. 18-Sep-18

Missouri's Economic Future Lies with School Reform
Missouri Policy Journal, 6, pp. 23-38. Spring 2018

Every State’s Economic Future Lies with School Reform
AEI Report, American Enterprise Institute. May-18

The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance
(with Marc Piopiunik and Simon Wiederhold). NBER Working Paper No. 20727 (revised), National Bureau of Economic Research [Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming]. December 2014 (revised March 2018)

Economic Gains from Educational Reform by US States
(with Jens Ruhose and Ludger Woessmann). Journal of Human Capital, 11(4), pp. 447-486. Winter 2017

Knowledge Capital and Aggregate Income Differences: Development Accounting for U.S. States
(with Jens Ruhose and Ludger Woessmann). American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 9(4) , pp. 184-224. Oct-17

Defining Productivity in Education: Issues and Illustrations
(with Elizabeth Ettema). The American Economist, 65(2), pp. 165-183. Oct-17

Apprenticeship Programs in a Changing Economic World
Brookings Institution, Brown Center Chalkboard. 28-Jun-17

Coping with Change: International Differences in the Returns to Skills
(with Guido Schwerdt, Simon Wiederhold, and Ludger Woessmann)
Economic Letters, 153, pp. 15-19. Apr-17